
Elgin Medical Center

Flagler structured the sale-and-lease-back of 17 condo units through direct negotiations with the 17 condo owners. This 52,157 sqf MOB is a primary care hub with a convenient drive-through pharmacy on the ground floor.

Flagler acquired the 17 individual condo units (entire ownership) from owner occupiers and negotiated 15 new leases with staggered terms and personal guarantees. The purpose of this asset is to be one of the primary institutional “gate keepers” for the medical specialty providers in Cook and Kane County. It provides patients and their families with an access to key primary care services such as ophthalmology, dental, internal medicine as well as  pharmacy, naturopathic and alternative medicine.


Flagler in partnership with the physicians leading the operation, acquires the South Texas Surgical Hospital

Flagler acquires Bethesda Health City, Florida’s largest “medical mall” with 133,000 sqf and develop an additional 36,000 sqf.

Flagler in partnership with OCPBC acquired the JFK Medical Center.